The 17th Game Programming Workshop

Instructions for preparing camera-ready papers

The Proceedings of GPW-12 will be published by Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) as an IPSJ Symposium Series.

Papers for oral presentation may consist of 8 pages, and papers for poster presentation may consist of 4 pages.

The camery-ready paper should be formatted according to the guidelines provided by the Information Processing Society of Japan:
A style file for LaTeX and a template for MS Word can also be found here.

Here is a list of formatting guidelines:
  1. Paper format: PDF or Microsoft Word
  2. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297mm)
  3. Margins: Left/Right: 2.5cm; Top/Bottom: 3cm
  4. Number of columns: two (main text)
  5. Abstract: about 100 words
  6. Color Figures: make sure that they are clear enough when printed in black-and-white.
  7. Do not put in any page numbers.

The camera-ready papers must be submitted on the easychair site by the 1st of October.

Copyright Transfer

Please complete and sign the Copyright Assignment Contract available on the following URL and fax it to IPSJ (the name of the publication is "Game Programming Workshop 2012").

To: Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
(Fax: +81-3-3518-8375)

Preparing Posters

Please prepare a poster to be presented in the workshop if your paper is accepted as a poster presentation. The maximum size of a poster is the A0 size -- 841mm (Width) x 1189mm (Height).